Choosing the right implements to be used with your tractor is a big deal! Each operation utilizes different practices and different fields may need specific care. Our team at Central Machinery Sales is here to be a resource for you, so we’ve put together a quick guide for choosing the right tillage equipment.


When you set out to buy a piece of equipment, the first thing you’ll need to do is determine how it will be used. Of course each model is designed to do a certain job, but you need to know why you’re seeking that equipment!

Tilling the ground has many different purposes, so it’s helpful to know exactly why you’re tilling.

Some common reasons include: residue management, weed management, and soil bed preparation.


After identifying your main goals, you can start looking at specific models and types of tillage equipment. You can coordinate your needs with the design and purpose of each implement!

Common tillage equipment includes: chisel plow, cultivator, harrow, vertical tillage, and disk harrow.

As you determine the type of equipment you need, it’s also important to consider your current tractor setup. Each implement should complement your tractor’s horsepower, features and size.


Finally, make sure to create a budget for your purchase. Gather research about average prices and determine what you’d be comfortable spending. It’s better to plan ahead than to find an option that’s great but out of your price range.

Tillage equipment is an important tool for many operations. Visit us in Moses Lake, WA, to browse our selection. We proudly serve Spokane and Pasco, WA.